Monday, March 12, 2007

Good Morning!

Hello All,

Don't forget that time is running out to sign up for the Spring Workshops in Shaler and in Johnstown. CLICK HERE and scroll to find the registration form.

Thank you for a great response to the call for your stories about writing groups in your libraries. I already have some wonderful samples and information! Please continue to send me your experiences.

The following people have joined the Youth Services Division since January.
Are you in the same system? Does your library neighbor theirs? If so, give them a friendly hello and welcome to the Division!

Thanks for joining! We are glad to have you on board:

Elizabeth Davis - Osterhout
Paul Giovanetti - Phoenixville
Karen Healy - Upper Darby
Laura Knouff - Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Kathleen Lebby - New Castle
Lauren Longbottom - Aston Public Library
Robin Pundzak - Crawford County Historical Society
Susan Slater - Warren Library Association



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